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Support Us

Prostate Cancer International, Inc. (PCaI) is a not-for-profit organization that depends on individual and corporate donors for funding to support some of its various activities.

The services made available through PCaI have, historically, been largely a “labor of love” carried out by volunteers. And to a significant extent we intend to make sure they stay that way:

Individual Donations

Individuals who find our services to be helpful and of value can support Prostate Cancer International and its services in one of two ways.

All such donations are fully tax deductible to donors resident within the USA as specified under federal law.

Corporate Support

Prostate Cancer International does also accept unrestricted corporate support for its activities but only seeks such support for our general mission and related activities or for highly defined activities that are of direct benefit to the prostate cancer patient community and associated family members. There will be no commercial advertising carried on any of our web sites, and we will will always provide full information about the commercial support we receive for specific types of activities.